Erasmus+ >> PROMOTE Project

In the last three years Human Study participate as one of the partners in realization of Erasmus+ project named – Prosthetic and Orthotic specialist MOdules for higher education Training in Europe (PROMOTE). General objective of this program was to research need of PO professionals in business to advance in their carrier by providing them bridging courses. These courses will enable them to reach the next steps in their carriers, and to advance to higher education levels (from APO to BSc, BSc to MSc …)

In the previous three years we realize a lot of activities:

  • In 2021 we finish our stocktaking phase that produce our research report and proof that establishing the system of bridging courses is something that PO professionals in EU needs.
  • This pushes us to define competence framework by the end of 2021
  • In the same time, we finalize course designs that will be offered in pilot phase.
  • Learning platform development have been finished this in the spring 2022
  • We use mid of 2022 to offer EU educational staff in PO for continuous professional development
  • The first modular pilot courses have been thought to a group of students that take part in the pilot phase in 2023
  • Currently we are working on valorization of our three years activities

We are happy that we had excellent cooperation with our partners, and we want to thank them on perfect team spirit, and very good results. This was extremely important experience to us because it was the first time that we work on the project with several partners. This enables us to widen our network and to learn from their experience. For that reasons we want to thank to:

We hope that we will continue to cooperate with our ERASMUS+ partners in the future!