By educating the prosthetics and orthotics cadre, we help people who need assistive devices gain access to quality prosthetic and orthotic services.

What is unique about our educational approach is that they our programs are specifically designed for professionals around the world who serve people with disabilities on a daily basis. Since 2007 more than 350 students from over 22 countries and 4 continents participated in our programs.

Prosthetics and orthotics services should be provided by competent, adequately trained professionals, and we work to make that a reality everywhere. Not seldom, our students are users of prosthetic and orthotic services themselves, coming to the profession as lateral entrants. This happens often in regions and countries ravaged by war, where the need for P&O professionals soars due to high injury incidence, but also due poor medical care, and immediate solutions are needed. People become aware of prosthetics and orthotics and the problems related to availability of these services normally first time when a family member requires an assistive devices.

Through our projects, services to people with disability are improved by means of education of professionals who manufacture assistive devices urgently needed by this population. Assistive devices mean mobility and mobility means socialization and reestablishing normal daily life, including being able to go to school and play with friends, or work and secure a family income.

Life Changing Stories: We Make a Difference

From Syria: Abd al Mowla

“On that September day, my parents, my sister, my two brothers and I were travelling in our pickup truck from Damascus to Idleb. My brother Ahmad was driving. Close to Homs we ran into an ambush. They opened fire on us and two other vehicles. Ahmad stepped on the accelerator as the machine guns rattled a storm of bullets across the road…” (read more ⇒)

From Croatia: How Miloš’s Education and Changed Robert’s Life

When Robert first came to see me he was a 39-year old man who could not move his body to get out of home. He could not walk further than 20 meters without feeling pain.” (read more ⇒)


Direct beneficiaries of our projects are our students. As in any school or educational program, also our students are those who profit by acquiring new skills and knowledge, attaining qualification and professional advancement.

Around the world, especially in regions torn by war and disasters, the need for skilled cadre capable of offering immediate help to people who have lost limbs or are physically challenged due to other causes is enormous; and it is exactly in these regions that educational programs in prosthetics and orthotics are lacking. In such circumstances, people come into the P&O profession as “lateral entrants”, not seldom from technical and craft professions. While these people are often very skilled in working with materials, they often lack knowledge in medical sciences and biomechanics.

Conversely, lateral entrants from medical professions normally need a great input in technical skills of production and technical trouble shooting. Our programs combine skills and knowledge in medical, general and P&O sciences to create professionals who can offer a full service and work independently on their level of qualification, with confidence in their knowledge and skills.

Our students have reported a huge impact on their skills and knowledge, increase in professional confidence when working with patients, and more satisfaction at work. Many of our best students have advanced professionally and teach others or act as team leaders. Several of them work as tutors and teachers in our programs.

I've learned a great deal in this program. I am a medical doctor, but before I became a student in this program, I had not been able to access such great amount of valuable knowledge on orthopedic devices. The knowledge we gained through this program is truly unique.

Miloš Opačić Student in Cat.I Program Croatia March 19, 2014

I have been in this profession for nearly 10 years and before this course I thought I knew everything there was about P&O. However, when I started this course I realized that very few of us work correctly.

Gogo Stanisevski Student in Cat.II Program Macedonia March 19, 2014

The approach in this program, with the web platform and practical workshops, and where our educators are respected international experts, has had an enormous impact on my learning and my daily work. I was able to continue doing my job and still advance professionally through Human Study.

Denis Jelušić Student in Cat.II Program Croatia March 19, 2014

This education has helped me a great deal, especially since I do not have much experience in working with patients. I have learned a lot in this program. I think that anyone who has the opportunity to attend this program should use it.

Sten Kotris Student in Cat II program Croatia March 19, 2014

I am more than satisfied with the educational program. I was very impressed by the practical part of the education and I have improved my theoretical and technical knowledge of working procedures.

Andrej Čakić Student in Cat.II Program Serbia March 19, 2014

This education has given me the knowledge and skills that enable me to approach each patient and analyze their problems in a much more efficient way.

Boško Mačković Student in Cat.II Program Serbia March 19, 2014

I learnt a lot about the relevant standards. Training objectives were clearly explained and achieved. There are too many good points to list! The course was very relevant to my job and will help me in most aspects of my work. Objectives were clearly stated from the start. I gained a greater knowledge of lifting equipment and its correct use. The Power Point presentation was very good as the slides were to the point. A very good mixture of theoretical and practical training. The training course helped me in all areas that I was previously unclear. The training was very informative and practical. The trainer was very experienced and was able to answer all of our queries. The instructor was very knowledgeable and the training had a good mixture of learning activities.

H.Muhammad Israr Student SCOPe TF Prosthetics Lahore Punjab, Pakistan September 30, 2020

It was the most incredible learning experience. The techniques were excellent and were demonstrated very well. Especially the way strategies were used to reinforce  those techniques and apply them practically in our workshops is highly appreciated. I am delighted to say that with the help of this course, I am now able to teach these concepts to my students with great confidence.

Amina Mumtaz Student SCOPe IC Prosthetics Islamabad, Pakistan September 30, 2020

Within the few months since we began this course, my approach to each P&O case has changed completely because I have gained more knowledge and skills following the well defined practical principle. I see myself becoming more professional since I have achieved good accurate results in some major cases which I found very difficult before. My approach in handling patients has improved significantly. Patient satisfaction has also improved since more good results are achieved. This education has challenged me to read more and I look forward to be more impacted by Human Study, get the opportunity from them to study further and work with them in the future as maybe a lecturer to impart others also.

Tawiah Peter Courage Student in Associate P&O Course Ghana October 2, 2020

I graduated both on the Associate and Professional Prosthetist/Orthotist levels with HS and acquired my BSc degree from Mahidol University.
My general knowledge in P&O and skills are on a much higher level now. I learned new treatment methods and can create patients with different pathologies. My patients are satisfied and they see me as a clinician who offers quality treatment. Number of patients and devices I produce per year has increased since my educations in HS. I am also recognized by doctors as a professional and they appreciate my work with patients.
I was able to get a better job in a better company for a while and now I started my own company (managerial role). I plan in future to employ and educate young people who will want to work in this profession.

Svetislav Isailov Student in Associate and Professional/BSc programs North Macedonia October 7, 2020

This course has given me a new perspective on spinal pathologies management and helped me develop new skills in spinal orthoses management. Effect on the patient status with the use of the brace is visible both through physical observations and X ray reviews. In our practice we have fairly good inflow of patients with spinal issues needing various kinds of braces. We were able to build new relationships with allied health professionals like therapist and spinal surgeons to whom we are able to present these specialized braces as interventions. I am in senior management level and have to ensure that my team members who are involved in the rehabilitation service delivery on day to day basis get equipped with such added skill sets and able to climb up the ladder.


Soikat Ghosh Moulic Participant in SCOPe on Spinal Orthotics India October 7, 2020

After participation in the courses, my role was to disseminate my gained knowledge and skills to the ICRC PRP supported centers and train P&Os. Our centers started following the concepts and ideas in day to day clinical practice. We especially appreciate the assessment format, gait analysis, casting procedures and fabrication of the socket, trial & fitting; this has had a positive impact on overall gait and the quality of the devices. It  has improved as per drastically, P&O colleagues are also quite enthusiastic to learn new skills and implement in practice. Now, maximum users are getting the ICS socket design at the centers and having positive feedback from the service users as well. The knowledge and skills we got definitely added value to me an my colleagues as P&Os, which is helping us provide qualities services to the users.

Ranjani Bhushan Student in SCOPe courses on IC, LLO, and Spinal Orthotics Vellore, India October 14, 2020

This course was really effective and innovative in my profession and made me judge more fairly about the influence of Cheneau brace as a new type of orthosis in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. I think the impact of this course is completely positive and almost all of my patients are more satisfied about the brace cosmesis and comfort. But their family main concern is the cost. As they have to change the brace and it is not possible to modify and adjust the brace height for them as it is in Milwaukee brace. I am trying to present this new brace to the doctors who believe in me and my experience and I gradually try to change their attitude in this concept.

Dr. Siamak Aghajani Fesharaki, phD, CPO Student in Spinal (AIS) SCOPe, 2019 Iran October 21, 2020

I thoroughly enjoyed this course. Teachers were always supportive, their feedback was always valuable and response time extremely prompt. The results of the Sobernheim brace are very effective, and correction time is shorter than with other braces. I work in the monitoring and evaluation team, and this course helped me to teach this technique to my P&O colleagues and gain their trust.

Anum Ishtiaq Student in SCOPe Pakistan October 27, 2020

I graduated in 2018 with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Prosthetics and Orthotics. From my point of view, education and learning expand to include the whole life of a person and all skills and all knowledge areas; all possibilities should be used to give people the opportunity of development. Impact of this Human Study program has had a direct influence on my performance, helping me directly to improve for my patients and my own sake. Without the knowledge and skills there is no ability. In Covid-19 situation I appreciated very much that I can offer treatment, care and support to patients who required orthoses and prostheses. Thank you so much Human Study School of Rehabilitation for this program!

Nasir Ahmad Qasime Graduate of BSc in P&O Program Afghanistan October 28, 2020

Before studying at Human Study School, my work was related to the production of devices only for the upper extremities. Thanks to a well-structured teaching methodology, which includes theoretical and practical lessons, I received a solid basis for understanding of the principles of prosthetics/orthotics not only for the upper extremities, but also for the lower extremities. The range of disciplines and the volume of educational content filled me with knowledge and gave me the confidence to make decisions regarding the treatment plan of patients with many pathologies.

My respect, appreciation, and gratitude to all the Human Study team members! Thanks to You, we are unique in our country!

Oksana Lytvynenko Graduate of the Associate P&O Program in Ukraine Ukraine September 16, 2021

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